The Book of books
The Bible is God's love-letters to us. This Book of books is the Lord's words in writing. We do not need to quote another book or person to make the Bible credible because it has its own authority that overshadows the wisdom of a thousand rabbis, scholars, theologians, and priests.
The Bible in its entirety is “God-breathed.” When you read the Scriptures, God's words breathe on you life and restoration. It is our faithful Father being so close and so near, whispering words of comfort to our ears, calming the rambling in our souls. It is inspired by God Himself, and it fires inspiration from within us.
The Bible is a mirror and guidebook. It reflects our hearts, and helps us see who we really are. It is a guidebook because it helps us change. When we are confronted with the wrong things in our lives, remember that there is no condemnation in Christ. God is a gentleman – He does not force His way. He waits for us, and patiently convinces us.

A practical advice in having your own Bible:

Having your own Bible is the best gift you can give yourself. Get your own Bible. Have a modern translation that you understand. Checkout the copyright. If you are willing to have the latest cell phone model, then also invest in having some Bibles. Have a small trendy one for you to carry around, and a big and wide-margin one for your “devotions” at home. If you’re a little bit techie, check out some free Bible software for your PC. There are also some free Bible apps for mobile phones.

The Holy Bible is a book meant to be read, not to gather dust on the shelves. The Bible pages are not sacred; try to write all over it – notes on what God is speaking to you on some particular verses. Just as a normal human being would at least eat 3 times a day to feed the body, a healthy Christian reads the Bible everyday to feed the spirit. Eat to your hearts’ content! Chew and savor on the truth. Have a great meal!

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