My Born Again Experience


It was my first kids' camp; I was only six years old. We were in Antipolo, Rizal, on the month of April. But before this momentous event, my parents were already bringing us to church on Sunday mornings. However, there was yet to be a spiritual encounter that would lead me to get saved. I got saved under the ministry of Manila Bethel Temple, now known as the Cathedral of Praise. 

On the last night of the camp, I was unusually wide-awake as the preacher took his time. He gave the invitation to accept Jesus as one's own personal Lord and Savior, and to have a personal relationship with Him. Young as I was, somehow I understood the altar call, and I raised up my hand in response. Right where I was seated, I repeated the phrases of the pastor leading us in prayer, and I meant every word of it. 

It was nighttime, and yet I remember it so vividly: the campers were all under one big cottage that had a huge incandescent bulb hanging in the middle. The surroundings were pitch-black darkness and the trees and plants were like swaying shadows.

In that simple childhood terror of the night, I drew my attention to the preacher and the light, and intently listened to the message. I did not understand very much, except that Jesus loves me, and that was enough. I kept looking at the light for the rest of the service that night. It was a kind of light that blinds you when you stare at it long enough - a kind of blindness that all you see is white.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

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