I've chosen him so that he will teach his sons and their families to follow the way of the Lord by doing what is right and good, so that I, the Lord, can do for Abraham what I promised. [Genesis 18:19 FBV]


The Lord does more than just fulfill His baby promise, He also plans ahead for these children and the generations afterward to be taught concerning the things of God. There is a proper way to worship Him, and that established structure is needed to be taught. The Sovereign Lord will always have His way.

The God-given promise is not just for a baby, but to bless us entirely. The Lord can only accomplish this when we do our part to obey Him. God's wonderful covenant of blessings is a partnership with us; He can only complete His part when we have done our share of the promise.

The parent is always God’s choice to teach their own kids. We lead by example. Our words of instruction lose their power when we don’t practice what we preach.

God’s promises are conditional. We do our part, and God does what He can only do – and He does it best!


…P R A Y E R…


Father God,

Please choose us to teach children to follow Your ways. We volunteer to help and teach in Children’s Church and Sunday School. May You give us our own child to teach as well. We will lead by example; we will do what is right and good for them to follow. We will carefully instruct them in the ways of the Lord, and together, we will be strong in our walk with You. We will walk before You as a family.

Thank You, Lord, for Your baby promise over us. Thank you for building our family.


In Jesus' name, 


-Taken from: Expectant Parents By Faith

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